Process flow of facial cleanser processing

Many people are interested in the processing process of facial cleanser, and then I will introduce you in detail through this article. Shanghai facial cleanser manufacturer and shampoo manufacturer 1. Clean the mixing pot (or vacuum emulsification pot) group and related production containers and utensils separately and disinfect them for later use; 2. Accurately weigh…

How to use sunscreen cosmetics correctly?

Firstly, apply sunscreen cosmetics evenly on the exposed parts of the skin; secondly, the amount must be sufficient, and a layer of sunscreen cosmetics must be seen on the skin surface, then the sunscreen effect stated in the instructions can be achieved. SPF (skinProtectionFactor human skin protection index) represents the ability of sunscreen products to…

The precautions for using essential oils

If someone around you is accustomed to using essential oils, then he must be a person who pays attention to the quality of life. Everyone in life inevitably comes into contact with essential oils, such as perfumes, skin care products, humidifiers at home, and fragrances on the bedside… These all contain essential oils. But it…

The common processes of essential oil processing

Essential oils have a very high usage rate in our daily lives, and they can be seen everywhere in the process of daily maintenance and skin care. In addition to being used for facial maintenance, essential oils can also regulate human body functions and release environmental stress. Next, through this article, I will give you…

Seasonal considerations for sensitive red blood skin

It is not difficult to find that there are more and more people around with sensitive skin. Due to different environmental factors, genetic factors, or improper care of the skin, it is the main cause of skin sensitivity. Therefore, sensitive skin care requires special care. If you do not pay attention, it may cause skin…